Community cleanup events are driven by collaborative partnerships and the collective effort of volunteers. These events build awareness in community members through first hand exposure to the waste that litters our local beaches, parks, and community areas to instill a sense of urgency and responsibility in preserving these spaces.
Community cleanup events are driven by collaborative partnerships and the collective effort of volunteers. These events build awareness in community members through first hand exposure to the waste that litters our local beaches, parks, and community areas to instill a sense of urgency and responsibility in preserving these spaces.
Our team tackles large debris in hard to reach locations such as remote coastlines and underwater on coral reefs. These cleanups are more labor and resource intensive and show how even the most isolated areas of our planet are affected by the waste we produce.
Our team tackles large debris in hard to reach locations such as remote coastlines and underwater on coral reefs. These cleanups are more labor and resource intensive and show how even the most isolated areas of our planet are affected by the waste we produce.
EIN: 87-4680143